平方根算法之二(翻译) - lhf 的窝
posted @ 2008年3月22日 23:02
in 算法
, 1953 阅读
2a. (doble)sqrt(double)
double fsqrt (double y)
double x, z, tempf;
unsigned long *tfptr = ((unsigned long *)&tempf) + 1;
tempf = y;
*tfptr = (0xbfcd4600 - *tfptr)>>1; /* estimate of 1/sqrt(y) */
x = tempf;
z = y*0.5; /* hoist out the “/2” */
x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z); /* iteration formula */
x = (1.5*x)– (x*x)*(x*z);
x = (1.5*x)– (x*x)*(x*z);
x = (1.5*x)– (x*x)*(x*z);
return x*y;
double x, z, tempf;
unsigned long *tfptr = ((unsigned long *)&tempf) + 1;
tempf = y;
*tfptr = (0xbfcd4600 - *tfptr)>>1; /* estimate of 1/sqrt(y) */
x = tempf;
z = y*0.5; /* hoist out the “/2” */
x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z); /* iteration formula */
x = (1.5*x)– (x*x)*(x*z);
x = (1.5*x)– (x*x)*(x*z);
x = (1.5*x)– (x*x)*(x*z);
return x*y;
2b. (float)sqrt(float)
一个改进是利用IEEE-754格式,用一个查找表找出尾数的最高位。Norbert Juffa用这个方法实现了32位精度的平方根倒数。
; invsqrt2 computes an approximation to the inverse square root of an
; IEEE-754 single precision number. The algorithm used is that
; described in this paper: Masayuki Ito, Naofumi Takagi, Shuzo Yajima:
; "Efficient Initial Approximation for Multiplicative Division
; and Square Root by a Multiplication with Operand Modification". IEEE
; Transactions on Computers, Vol. 46, No. 4, April 1997,
; pp 495-498.
; This code delivers inverse square root results that differ by at most 1
; ulp from correctly rounded single precision results. The correctly
; rounded single precision result is returned for 99% of all arguments
; if the FPU precision is set to either extended precision (default under
; DOS) or double precision (default under WindowsNT). This routine does
; not work correctly if the input is negative, zero, a denormal, an
; infinity or a NaN. It works properly for arguments in [2^-126, 2^128),
; which is the range of positive, normalized IEEE single precision numbers
; and is roughly equivalent to [1.1755e-38,3.4028e38].
; In case all memory accesses are cache hits, this code has been timed to
; have a latency of 39 cycles on a PentiumMMX.
; invsqrt2 - compute an approximation to the inverse square root of an
; IEEE-754 single precision number.
; input:
; ebx = pointer to IEEE-754 single precision number, argument
; esi = pointer to IEEE-754 single precision number, res = 1/sqrt(arg)
; output:
; [esi] = 1/sqrt(arg)
; destroys:
; eax, ecx, edx, edi
; eflags
d1tab dw 0B0DDh,0A901h,0A1B5h,09AECh,0949Ah,08EB2h,0892Ch,083FFh
dw 07E47h,07524h,06C8Ah,0646Eh,05CC6h,05589h,04EAFh,04831h
dw 04208h,03C2Fh,0369Fh,03154h,02C49h,0277Ah,022E3h,01E81h
dw 01A51h,0164Fh,01278h,00ECBh,00B45h,007E3h,004A3h,00184h
dw 0FA1Fh,0EF02h,0E4B1h,0DB18h,0D227h,0C9CEh,0C1FEh,0BAACh
dw 0B3CDh,0AD57h,0A742h,0A186h,09C1Ch,096FEh,09226h,08D8Fh
dw 08934h,08511h,08122h,07AC7h,073A6h,06CD9h,0665Ch,06029h
dw 05A3Ch,05491h,04F24h,049F1h,044F4h,0402Ch,03B94h,0372Ah
half ds 0.5
three ds 3.0
mov eax, [ebx] ; arg (single precision floating-point)
mov ecx, 0be7fffffh ; 0xbe7fffff
mov edi, eax ; arg
mov edx, eax ; arg
shr edi, 18 ; (arg >18)
sub ecx, eax ; (0xbe7fffff - arg)
shr eax, 1 ; (arg >1)
and edi, 3fh ; index = ((arg >18) & 0x3f)
shr ecx, 1 ; ((0xbe7fffff - arg) >1)
and eax, 00001ffffh ; (arg >1) & 0x1ffff
movzx edi, d1tab[edi*2]; d1tab[index]
and edx, 0007e0000h ; arg & 0x7e0000
and ecx, 07f800000h ; exo=((0xbe7fffff - arg) >1) & 0x7f800000
or eax, edx ; (arg & 0x7e0000) | ((arg >1) & 0x1fff)
shl edi, 8 ; d1tab[index] << 8
xor eax, 00002ffffh ; (arg&0x7e0000)|((arg>>1)&0x1fff)^0x2ffff
add edi, 03f000000h ; d1 = (d1tab[index] << 8) | 0x3f000000
or eax, ecx ; xhat = ((arg&0x7e0000)|((arg>>1)&0x1fff)^0x2ffff)|expo
push edi ; d1
push eax ; xhat
fld dword ptr [esp+4]; d1
fmul dword ptr [esp] ; approx = d1*xhat
fld st(0) ; approx approx
fmul st,st(0) ; approx*approx approx
fxch st(1) ; approx approx*approx
fmul dword ptr [half] ; approx*0.5 approx*approx
fxch st(1) ; approx*approx approx*0.5
fmul dword ptr [ebx] ; approx*approx*arg approx*0.5
fsubr dword ptr [three]; 3-approx*approx*arg approx*0.5
fmulp st(1),st ; res = (3-approx*approx*arg)*approx*0.5
fstp dword ptr [esi] ; store result
add esp,8 ; remove floating-point temps
; IEEE-754 single precision number. The algorithm used is that
; described in this paper: Masayuki Ito, Naofumi Takagi, Shuzo Yajima:
; "Efficient Initial Approximation for Multiplicative Division
; and Square Root by a Multiplication with Operand Modification". IEEE
; Transactions on Computers, Vol. 46, No. 4, April 1997,
; pp 495-498.
; This code delivers inverse square root results that differ by at most 1
; ulp from correctly rounded single precision results. The correctly
; rounded single precision result is returned for 99% of all arguments
; if the FPU precision is set to either extended precision (default under
; DOS) or double precision (default under WindowsNT). This routine does
; not work correctly if the input is negative, zero, a denormal, an
; infinity or a NaN. It works properly for arguments in [2^-126, 2^128),
; which is the range of positive, normalized IEEE single precision numbers
; and is roughly equivalent to [1.1755e-38,3.4028e38].
; In case all memory accesses are cache hits, this code has been timed to
; have a latency of 39 cycles on a PentiumMMX.
; invsqrt2 - compute an approximation to the inverse square root of an
; IEEE-754 single precision number.
; input:
; ebx = pointer to IEEE-754 single precision number, argument
; esi = pointer to IEEE-754 single precision number, res = 1/sqrt(arg)
; output:
; [esi] = 1/sqrt(arg)
; destroys:
; eax, ecx, edx, edi
; eflags
d1tab dw 0B0DDh,0A901h,0A1B5h,09AECh,0949Ah,08EB2h,0892Ch,083FFh
dw 07E47h,07524h,06C8Ah,0646Eh,05CC6h,05589h,04EAFh,04831h
dw 04208h,03C2Fh,0369Fh,03154h,02C49h,0277Ah,022E3h,01E81h
dw 01A51h,0164Fh,01278h,00ECBh,00B45h,007E3h,004A3h,00184h
dw 0FA1Fh,0EF02h,0E4B1h,0DB18h,0D227h,0C9CEh,0C1FEh,0BAACh
dw 0B3CDh,0AD57h,0A742h,0A186h,09C1Ch,096FEh,09226h,08D8Fh
dw 08934h,08511h,08122h,07AC7h,073A6h,06CD9h,0665Ch,06029h
dw 05A3Ch,05491h,04F24h,049F1h,044F4h,0402Ch,03B94h,0372Ah
half ds 0.5
three ds 3.0
mov eax, [ebx] ; arg (single precision floating-point)
mov ecx, 0be7fffffh ; 0xbe7fffff
mov edi, eax ; arg
mov edx, eax ; arg
shr edi, 18 ; (arg >18)
sub ecx, eax ; (0xbe7fffff - arg)
shr eax, 1 ; (arg >1)
and edi, 3fh ; index = ((arg >18) & 0x3f)
shr ecx, 1 ; ((0xbe7fffff - arg) >1)
and eax, 00001ffffh ; (arg >1) & 0x1ffff
movzx edi, d1tab[edi*2]; d1tab[index]
and edx, 0007e0000h ; arg & 0x7e0000
and ecx, 07f800000h ; exo=((0xbe7fffff - arg) >1) & 0x7f800000
or eax, edx ; (arg & 0x7e0000) | ((arg >1) & 0x1fff)
shl edi, 8 ; d1tab[index] << 8
xor eax, 00002ffffh ; (arg&0x7e0000)|((arg>>1)&0x1fff)^0x2ffff
add edi, 03f000000h ; d1 = (d1tab[index] << 8) | 0x3f000000
or eax, ecx ; xhat = ((arg&0x7e0000)|((arg>>1)&0x1fff)^0x2ffff)|expo
push edi ; d1
push eax ; xhat
fld dword ptr [esp+4]; d1
fmul dword ptr [esp] ; approx = d1*xhat
fld st(0) ; approx approx
fmul st,st(0) ; approx*approx approx
fxch st(1) ; approx approx*approx
fmul dword ptr [half] ; approx*0.5 approx*approx
fxch st(1) ; approx*approx approx*0.5
fmul dword ptr [ebx] ; approx*approx*arg approx*0.5
fsubr dword ptr [three]; 3-approx*approx*arg approx*0.5
fmulp st(1),st ; res = (3-approx*approx*arg)*approx*0.5
fstp dword ptr [esi] ; store result
add esp,8 ; remove floating-point temps